Cannot deploy with error “account or block not found”

Hello. I’m trying to do the counter contract tutorial, but when I get to the deployment step and try to run the following:

concordium-client module deploy dist/module.wasm.v1 --sender <YOUR-ACCOUNT> --name counter --grpc-port 20001

I get the following error:

Error: A GRPC error occurred: GRPC error: Cannot deploy with error “account or block not found”

I’ve tried to create a new account and start over as suggested here, but I still get the error. The node seems to be caught up, when I check the consensus status:

Genesis time:                2022-06-13 10:00:00 UTC
Slot duration:               250ms
Epoch duration:              1h
Best block height:           2756579
Last finalized block height: 2756578
Blocks received count:       535612
Block receive latency:       38123907907 ms (EMA), 86503 ms (EMSD)
Block receive period:           39 ms (EMA),    60 ms (EMSD)
Blocks verified count:       535611
Block arrive latency:        38123915313 ms (EMA), 88157 ms (EMSD)
Block arrive period:            40 ms (EMA),    56 ms (EMSD)
Transactions per block:         0.000 (EMA),    0.000 (EMSD)
Finalization count:          488581
Finalization period:            43 ms (EMA),    66 ms (EMSD)
Protocol version:            P5
Genesis index:               2
Current era genesis time:    2022-11-22 11:05:19.5 UTC

Anyone knows why this occurs and how to fix it?

I’m using concordium-client v. 6.3.0, concordium-node v. 6.3.1 and node v. v20.14.0. I’m on Mac

Hi jskjskj,
Which node are you using? If it is your own node (and already fully synced), you might use a testnet node and look up an account/block from mainnet or vice versa.

Your node needs to process 16M more blocks to come to the head of the chain, so I don’t think it’s caught up yet?

Hi Doris. I should be on testnet, but is there a way for me to confirm this?

Can you elaborate please? When I’m saying they are up to date, I’m looking at “Best block height” and “Last finalized block height”, but maybe I’m looking in the wrong place

Best block height should be at 18M for an up to date node?

Do you know how to get it up-to-date? And where does a height of 18M come from, I can’t seem to find any information on this in the doc…

I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until the node has caught up? 18M is roughly where mainnet is today.

Hi sderuiter!

It should be on testnet that we are working. Is there some way we can check whether it is mainnet or testnet?
And further what should the testnet node be on? And how long should we expect it to take to catch up?

Sincerely Toby

Testnet should be around 17M blocks. I think you have to wait about 2/3 days for it to catch up.

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Thanks guys. For me, the issue was resolved by having the testnode running for a few days as @sderuiter suggested.

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